Eğitim Yazılımlarının İncelenmesi

Computer-aided education (CAE) system is a key to improve the effectiveness and the quality of the education system. Computer education forms a part of the school and college curricula, as it is important for every individual today. CAE gained widespread acceptance in schools by the early 1950s.

Educational software in computer-aided education includes: One-to-one teaching software, Software for Repetition and Practice, Simulation Software, Game Purpose Software, and Reference Software.

Some Software based teaching materials and applications: Office Software, Word Processors, Spreadsheet Software, Electronic Presentation Software, Mobile Learning, Virtual Reality, Social Networks, Blogs, Wikis, Disabled Individuals Software, Web 2.0 Based Tools.

Elements of evaluation of educational software:

1.     Instructional relevance; It can be perceived as the appropriateness of the instructional activities it offers to gain students the goals of the predetermined course in a software.

2.     Compliance with the curriculum; learning experiences are expected to be supportive to the education program.

3.     Programming Suitability; It is about whether the software gave technical error during use.

4.     Formal Conformity; It is about whether the visual design elements in the software are educationally effective.


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