Öğretim Teknolojisi Temel Kavramlar

Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı

 The file began with a discussion of what is the definition of education.  And during the learning process, the stimulus-response relationship is realized. By stimulating, we mean that it is any force that comes from the inner and outer environment and activates the sensory organs. Also, the lesson discussed "Learning Ecology", there are various educational programs that lead to developing/changing knowledge and skills in any subject:

1.      Planned learning

2.      Unplanned learning

3.      Community learning

4.      Learning performance support

5.      Self-learning.

It also discussed a vital subject, which is Learning-type behaviors:

6.      Cognitive learning

7.      Affective learning

8.      Psychomotor learning

Moreover, the effective factors in the learning process have been reviewed: Learning environment, teacher's knowledge, and skills, teacher's personality, program, and instructional technologies, tools, materials.

Furthermore, there are some basic concepts that should be known and followed in the conduct of education and training activities: EĞİTİM, ÖĞRENME, ÖĞRENİM, ÖĞRETME, and ÖĞRETİM. We've seen the Differences Between Education and Training Concepts which is the major difference that Education can happen anywhere. There is no time and space limit; teaching takes place in specific settings (educational institutions). It is sectioned and limited in terms of time.

The lesson embraced the following issues:

9.      Education Technology Concept

10.  The Concept of Education Technology Today

11.  Principles of Educational Technology

Further, Learning, Teaching Communication Processes were under consideration at a high level.

